22 January 2010

My Guardan Review.

This morning I found out that the portfolio I submitted for Guardian's Camera Club has been reviewed! Not only is it a really useful review but it's always super exciting to see your own work on the internet. It's even more exciting to know it's the Guardian's website! Check out my review here, and their photography section here.

Here is what they said;

A review of Amy Smith's portfolio.

Looking at this portfolio it is clear that Amy has photographed things that she loves, the captions giving some insight into the reasoning for capturing each picture. 'Newsagents' stands out as the best shot out from the set, photographed on a disposable film camera this really shows the benefits of using film. The grain in the details and the composition's adherence to the 'rule of thirds' make this a very successful image. The rest of the pictures are not badly shot, 'Tree and Slate' is visually pleasing and 'Slate factory' is a good shot too. The problem with these first four images is the lack of meaning behind them, they are too quickly captured and too little thought about. Try spending time taking pictures of a subject that you care for and can become absorbed in, and we will quickly see the difference in your pictures

13 January 2010

not an apple

Now most people who know me are aware that I am pretty obsessed by apples, be it the shape, colour or taste, it's all more than awesome. So this 'not an apple' by Jenn W on Flickr made me beyond happy!

8 January 2010

I wish I was good at graphic design

This is the reason I wish I'd tried harder at art school to be better at design and not photography. DB Studio is around the corner from my new flat and in Glasgow and I always seem to stop in the car at the lights just outside and stare in. The present in the window which has now been opened is purely genious! But alas, I am rubbish at design so I will continue to stare in through the window, look at their portfolio online and take photographs instead.


I'd really like a tram like this.

6 January 2010

Mug Shot

This is one of those images that I am gutted I did not think of first! It's such a brilliant idea and carried out quite wonderfully by David P Hughes